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after() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.JunitWebTest
Empty after method.
after() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules.BrowserManager
append(WebTask...) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.CompositeWebTask
Append the given subtasks to the list of components.
apply(Statement, Description) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules.TestRetrier
assertBioMatches(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.ui.MyAboutMePage
assertElementIsNotDisplayed(By, WebDriver) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.PageHelper
Explicitly wait until the given element is visible.
assertExpectedCondition(ExpectedCondition<T>, WebDriver) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.PageHelper
Explicitly wait until the given expected condition is met.
assertSocialButtonIsDisplayed(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.ui.MyAboutMePage
assertSocialButtonIsLink(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.ui.MyAboutMePage


BASE_URL - Static variable in interface me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.WebPage
BaseWebPage - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui
Abstract class representing a generic page.
BaseWebPage(WebDriver, WebPage) - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.BaseWebPage
Calls PageFactory.initElements(WebDriver, Object) and waitUntilIsLoaded().
BaseWebTask - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks
Abstract WebTask responsible for knowing the 'who', i.e.
BaseWebTask() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.BaseWebTask
before() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tests.SampleWebTest
before() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.JunitWebTest
Empty before method.
beginReport() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.HtmlReportBuilder
Begin the report by opening the tags html, head, body, table.
browseBack() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.Browser
browseBack(WebDriver) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.PageHelper.Navigation
Browser - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain
A Browser can be opened and closed, and can be used to browse to some page.
Browser() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.Browser
Browser(WebDriverFactory) - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.Browser
Create a Browser and inject the given WebDriverFactory.
browser() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.BaseWebTask
Convenience method for retrieving the underlying Browser associated to the user this task runs as.
browserManager - Variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.JunitWebTest
BrowserManager - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules
JUnit Rule responsible for closing all registered browsers as soon as a test finishes.
BrowserManager() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules.BrowserManager
browsers() - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.JunitWebTest
Provides the test parameters, i.e.
browserType - Variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.JunitWebTest
browseTo(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.Browser
browseTo(Class<T>) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.Browser
Browse to the given LoadablePage, and return its instance.
browseTo(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.WebUser
browseTo(String, WebDriver) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.PageHelper.Navigation
Append the given relative URL to WebPage.BASE_URL and navigate there.


CanCompliment - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tasks
CanCompliment() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tasks.CanCompliment
close() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.Browser
Close the browser by quitting the underlying WebDriver.
closeBrowser() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.WebUser
Any method chain ends with this method.
compliment(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.ui.ComplimentDialog
ComplimentDialog - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.ui
Model the dialog which pops up in the SearchResultsPage when clicking on the compliment button in any single SearchResult.
ComplimentDialog(WebDriver, WebPage) - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.ui.ComplimentDialog
complimentWith(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.ui.SearchResult
composite(WebTask...) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.WebTasks
CompositeWebTask - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks
A WebTask made up of many supposedly small (sub-)tasks, which in turn may be CompositeWebTask's too.
CompositeWebTask(WebTask...) - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.CompositeWebTask
CompositeWebTask(List<WebTask>) - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.CompositeWebTask
Set the given list as the list of components of this composite.
Config - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config
Static class defining a method for each and every configurable setting (aka property) this framework offers.
Config() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
This is a static class: as such, it cannot be instantiated.
ConfigException - Exception in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config
ConfigException() - Constructor for exception me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.ConfigException
ConfigException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.ConfigException
ConfigException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.ConfigException
ConfigException(String) - Constructor for exception me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.ConfigException
ConfigException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.ConfigException
currentUrlIsNotEmpty() - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.TinafwExpectedConditions
Expectation for checking that WebDriver.getCurrentUrl() is not empty.
CUSTOM_PROPS_RESOURCE - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config


DEFAULT_EXPLICIT_WAIT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.PageHelper
The default timeout in seconds used by PageHelper.waitUntil(ExpectedCondition, WebDriver).
DEFAULT_PROPS_RESOURCE - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
doSearch(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.ui.MyAboutMePage
doTask(WebTask) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.WebUser
Run the given task (or tasks, if it is a CompositeWebTask), starting from the known current page (which is part of the state of this object).
doTasks(WebTask...) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.WebUser
Instantiate a CompositeWebTask made up of all of the given tasks, and run it.
driver() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.BaseWebTask
Convenience method for retrieving the underlying WebDriver associated to the user this task runs as.
driver - Variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.BaseWebPage


endReport() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.HtmlReportBuilder
End the report by closing the tags table, body, html.
enterText(String, WebElement) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.PageHelper.Form
Wrapper for WebElement.clear() and WebElement.sendKeys(CharSequence...)
enterTextLoop(String, WebElement) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.PageHelper.Form
Enter the text with WebElement.sendKeys(CharSequence...) and loop (max 50 attempts) until the text is found to have been actually fully entered.
equals(Object) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.WebUser
equals(WebUser<?>) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.WebUser


failed(Throwable, Description) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules.HtmlReporter
failed(Throwable, Description) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules.TestLogger
findOrRefresh(By, WebDriver) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.PageHelper
Implicitly wait for an element.
Form() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.PageHelper.Form
forQuery(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tasks.Search
fromConfig - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.WebDriverFactoryProvider
A WebDriverFactory according to the settings: a WebDriverFactoryLocal if Config.PROP_GRID_HUB_URL is not defined; else, a WebDriverFactoryRemote finally, decorate it with WebDriverFactoryDecoratorImplicitWait, if Config.PROP_TIMEOUT_IMPLICIT_WAIT is defined


getBaseUrl() - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
getBrowser() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.WebUser
getBrowsers() - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
getCurrentPage() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.WebUser
getCurrentUrl() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.BaseWebPage
getCurrentUrl() - Method in interface me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.WebPage
getElement(By) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.BaseWebPage
getElements(By) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.BaseWebPage
getExplicitWait() - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
getGridBrowserVersion() - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
getGridHubUrl() - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
getGridPlatform() - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
getIdentifyingLocator() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.BaseWebPage
getImplicitWait() - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
getKeepBrowsersOpen() - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
getMaxExecutions() - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
getName() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.ui.SearchResult
getOptionalProperty(String) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
Load the given property from one of the known sources.
getPassword() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.WebUser
getProperty(String, boolean) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
getProperty(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.PropertyLoader
getProperty(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.PropertyLoaderComposite
Loop over the components and return the first not null value found.
getProperty(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.PropertyLoaderFromResource
getProperty(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.PropertyLoaderFromSystem
getRelativeUrl() - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.ui.MyAboutMePage
getRelativeUrl() - Static method in interface me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.LoadablePage
getReportsDir() - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
getRequiredProperty(String) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
getScreenshotAs(OutputType<T>, WebDriver) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.TestHelper
getScreenshotAsBase64(WebDriver) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.TestHelper
getSearchResult(int) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.ui.SearchResultsPage
getSocialIcon(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.ui.MyAboutMePage
getTitle() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.BaseWebPage
getTitle() - Method in interface me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.WebPage
getType() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.Browser
getUser() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.BaseWebTask
getUser() - Method in interface me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.WebTask
getUsername() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.WebUser
getWebDriver() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.Browser
getWebDriver(SupportedBrowser) - Method in interface me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.WebDriverFactory
getWebDriver(SupportedBrowser) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.WebDriverFactoryDecorator
getWebDriver(SupportedBrowser) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.WebDriverFactoryDecoratorHandleCertErrOnIE
getWebDriver(SupportedBrowser) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.WebDriverFactoryDecoratorImplicitWait
getWebDriver(SupportedBrowser) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.WebDriverFactoryLocal
getWebDriver(SupportedBrowser) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.WebDriverFactoryRemote
given(WebTask...) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.WebTasks
A BDD Given step.


hitKeys(WebDriver, CharSequence) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.PageHelper
Typical use is to simulate hitting ESCAPE or ENTER.
hoverMouseOver(WebElement, WebDriver) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.PageHelper
HtmlReportBuilder - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests
Encapsulates the logic for generating the HTML of a report.
HtmlReportBuilder(PrintWriter) - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.HtmlReportBuilder
htmlReporter - Variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.JunitWebTest
HtmlReporter - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules
TestRule for generating an HTML report with embedded screenshots and page sources for each failure.
HtmlReporter() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules.HtmlReporter


ImLoggedInBase - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks
Task implementing a step for navigating to the LoginPage and logging in by entering username and password.
ImLoggedInBase() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.ImLoggedInBase
info(String, String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.HtmlReportBuilder
Print the given <key, value> pair in its own line.
isDisplayed(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tasks.VerifySocialIcons
isOpen() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.Browser
isPropertyDefined(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.PropertyLoader
isPropertyEmpty(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.PropertyLoader
iterator() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.CompositeWebTask
The iterator for iterating over the subtasks this composite is made up of.


JunitWebTest - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests
JunitWebTest provides a few useful JUnit Rules out of the box: TestRetrier: retries a failing test BrowserManager: closes the registered browsers as soon as a test finishes HtmlReporter: generated an HTML report with screenshots TestWatcher: logs the state of the running test (e.g.: "passed", "failed")
JunitWebTest() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.JunitWebTest


KEEP_BROWSERS_OPEN_ON_EXIT - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules.BrowserManager


landingPage() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.ManualNavigationWebTask
load(Class<T>, WebDriver) - Static method in interface me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.LoadablePage
Load the given LoadablePage.
LoadablePage - Interface in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui
A page that can be accessed directly, from a URL with no run-time parameters, e.g.
logger - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.Browser
logger - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.WebUser
logger - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.BaseWebTask
logger - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.HtmlReportBuilder
logger - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.JunitWebTest
logger - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules.BrowserManager
logger - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules.HtmlReporter
logger - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules.TestLogger
logger - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules.TestRetrier
logger - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.BaseWebPage
loginAs(String, String) - Method in interface me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.LoginPage
Fill in the login form, and submit it.
LoginPage<T extends WebPage> - Interface in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui
Represents the page for logging in which will typically offer a form with two text fields, one for the username, and one for the password.
loginPageClass() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.ImLoggedInBase
loopFindOrRefresh(int, By, WebDriver) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.PageHelper
Implicitly wait for an element.


ManualNavigationWebTask - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks
A WebTask encapsulating a manual navigation step.
ManualNavigationWebTask() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.ManualNavigationWebTask
matches(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tasks.VerifyBio
MAX_EXECUTIONS - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.JunitWebTest
me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config - package me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config
me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain - package me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain
me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tasks - package me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tasks
me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tests - package me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tests
me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.ui - package me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.ui
me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks - package me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks
me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.runnable - package me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.runnable
me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests - package me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests
me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules - package me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules
me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui - package me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui
MyAboutMePage - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.ui
Models any profile page on, e.g.
MyAboutMePage(WebDriver, WebPage) - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.ui.MyAboutMePage
MyBrowserIsOpen - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks
Task that opens the browser.
MyBrowserIsOpen() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.MyBrowserIsOpen


NAMESPACE - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
Navigation() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.PageHelper.Navigation
NavigationWebTask - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks
A WebTask implementing a step for navigating to a LoadablePage.
NavigationWebTask() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.NavigationWebTask
nullTask() - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.WebTasks
Task that does nothing, and "finally" returns the very initial page.


OnMyAboutMePage - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tasks
Navigate to my page.
OnMyAboutMePage() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tasks.OnMyAboutMePage
open(SupportedBrowser) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.Browser
Open a browser according to the given parameter, by instantiating a WebDriver.
openBrowser(SupportedBrowser) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.WebUser
Open the browser but do not navigate to any page yet.
openBrowser() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.WebUser
Open the browser previously specified with WebUser.withBrowserType(SupportedBrowser).
or(WebTask) - Method in interface me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.WebTask
Builds an OrWebTask made up of (in order) this task and the given alternative task.
OrWebTask - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks
A CompositeWebTask which chains subtasks in a logical OR.
OrWebTask(List<WebTask>) - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.OrWebTask
OrWebTask(WebTask...) - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.OrWebTask


PageHelper - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui
Static class providing some helper functions that solve common problems concerning Selenium WebDriver.
PageHelper() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.PageHelper
PageHelper.Form - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui
Static class providing some helper functions that solve common problems concerning forms.
PageHelper.Navigation - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui
Helper methods about navigating the web app, e.g.
pageSource(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.HtmlReportBuilder
Print the given page source with pretty syntax highlighting.
pageToLoadClass() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tasks.OnMyAboutMePage
pageToLoadClass() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.ImLoggedInBase
pageToLoadClass() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.NavigationWebTask
previousPage - Variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.BaseWebPage
PROP_BASE_URL - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
PROP_BROWSERS - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
PROP_GRID_BROWSER_VERSION - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
PROP_GRID_HUB_URL - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
PROP_GRID_PLATFORM - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
PROP_KEEP_BROWSERS_OPEN - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
PROP_MAX_EXECUTIONS - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
PROP_PREFIX - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
PROP_REPORTS_DIR - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
PROP_TIMEOUT_EXPLICIT_WAIT - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
PROP_TIMEOUT_IMPLICIT_WAIT - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config
PropertiesUtils - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config
PropertiesUtils() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.PropertiesUtils
PropertyLoader - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config
Abstract class capable of reading properties from a certain source.
PropertyLoader() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.PropertyLoader
PropertyLoaderComposite - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config
A Composite of PropertyLoaders.
PropertyLoaderComposite(PropertyLoader...) - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.PropertyLoaderComposite
PropertyLoaderFromResource - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config
Read properties from a resource file.
PropertyLoaderFromResource(String, boolean) - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.PropertyLoaderFromResource
PropertyLoaderFromSystem - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config
Read properties from the system.
PropertyLoaderFromSystem() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.PropertyLoaderFromSystem
propLoader - Static variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.Config


refreshPage(WebDriver) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.PageHelper.Navigation
registerBrowser(Browser) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules.BrowserManager
registerBrowsers(Browser...) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules.BrowserManager
retryRule - Variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.JunitWebTest
ruleChain - Variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.JunitWebTest
run(WebPage) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tasks.CanCompliment
run(WebPage) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tasks.Search
run(WebPage) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tasks.VerifyBio
run(WebPage) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tasks.VerifySocialIcons
run(WebPage) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.CompositeWebTask
Runs each subtask in order, and finally return the page that the last task was visiting.
run(WebPage) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.ImLoggedInBase
Browse to the login page and do the login.
run(WebPage) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.ManualNavigationWebTask
Navigate to the relative URL ManualNavigationWebTask.targetUrl() and return the page ManualNavigationWebTask.landingPage().
run(WebPage) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.MyBrowserIsOpen
Open the browser.
run(WebPage) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.NavigationWebTask
Navigate to NavigationWebTask.pageToLoadClass() and return its instance.
run(WebPage) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.OrWebTask
run() - Method in interface me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.runnable.RunnableTask
run() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.runnable.SingleUserInteraction
Open the browser, execute this task, and finally close the browser.
run(WebPage) - Method in interface me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.WebTask
Perform this task as the user WebTask.getUser().
RunnableTask - Interface in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.runnable
A WebTask that encapsulates a full user interaction (single or multiple) with the SUT, and which can be executed, possibly in a separate thread, as a Runnable.


SampleWebTest - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tests
SampleWebTest() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tests.SampleWebTest
screenshot(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.HtmlReportBuilder
Prints a table row containing an img with the screenshot embedded in base64 format.
Search - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tasks
Search for something by using the search box at the top.
Search() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tasks.Search
SearchResult - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.ui
Models a single box in the SearchResultsPage, representing a single search result, corresponding to an profile.
SearchResult(WebElement, WebDriver, WebPage) - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.ui.SearchResult
SearchResultsPage - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.ui
Model the page with the search results.
SearchResultsPage(WebDriver, WebPage) - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.ui.SearchResultsPage
setBrowser(Browser) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules.HtmlReporter
SettingNotFoundException - Exception in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config
SettingNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.SettingNotFoundException
SettingNotFoundException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.SettingNotFoundException
SettingNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.SettingNotFoundException
SettingNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.SettingNotFoundException
SettingNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.SettingNotFoundException
setUser(WebUser) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.BaseWebTask
setUser(WebUser) - Method in interface me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.WebTask
SingleUserInteraction - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.runnable
A fully executable single user interaction with the SUT.
SingleUserInteraction(WebTask...) - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.runnable.SingleUserInteraction
SingleUserInteraction(List<WebTask>) - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.runnable.SingleUserInteraction
skipped(AssumptionViolatedException, Description) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules.TestLogger
sleepFor(int) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.WebTasks
Task that sleeps for the given number of seconds, and finally returns the very initial page.
split(String) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.PropertiesUtils
Split the given string by comma or semicolon.
starting(Description) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules.TestLogger
succeeded(Description) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules.TestLogger
SupportedBrowser - Enum in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain
A browser supported by Selenium.


targetUrl() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.ManualNavigationWebTask
TestHelper - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests
Static class providing utility methods for tests.
testLogger - Variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.JunitWebTest
TestLogger - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules
Reports the status of the running test (starting/passed/failed/skipped) to a Logger.
TestLogger() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules.TestLogger
testMyPage() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tests.SampleWebTest
When I am on my page, Then verify that bio matches the expected bio, And that the social icons for github and linkedin are displayed.
TestRetrier - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules
Retry a failing test for the given number of times, configurable in the constructor.
TestRetrier(int) - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.rules.TestRetrier
If arg lte 0, then set it to 1.
testSearch() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tests.SampleWebTest
Given I am on my page, When I search for "paolo", Then I can compliment the third guy with love.
theGuy(int) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tasks.CanCompliment
then(WebTask...) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.WebTasks
A BDD Then step.
TinafwExpectedConditions - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui
TinafwExpectedConditions() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.TinafwExpectedConditions
title(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests.HtmlReportBuilder
Print the title of the report.
toBoolean(String) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.PropertiesUtils
toCapabilities() - Method in enum me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.SupportedBrowser
toClass() - Method in enum me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.SupportedBrowser
toString() - Method in enum me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.SupportedBrowser
toSupportedBrowsers(String[]) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.PropertiesUtils
Convert an array of names of browsers, to a List of SupportedBrowsers.
toURL(String) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.config.PropertiesUtils


user - Variable in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.BaseWebTask


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.SupportedBrowser
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.SupportedBrowser
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VerifyBio - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tasks
Verify that the biography matches the expected text, passed in VerifyBio.matches(String).
VerifyBio() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tasks.VerifyBio
VerifySocialIcons - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tasks
Verify that each of the given social buttons (passed through VerifySocialIcons.isDisplayed(String)) is displayed.
VerifySocialIcons() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tasks.VerifySocialIcons
visibilityOfOneOfElementsLocatedBy(By) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.TinafwExpectedConditions
An expectation for checking that at least one of the elements matching the locator is visible.


waitUntil(ExpectedCondition<T>, WebDriver) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.PageHelper
Generic explicit wait, taking an ExpectedCondition as a parameter.
waitUntil(ExpectedCondition<T>, WebDriver, long) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.PageHelper
Generic explicit wait, taking an ExpectedCondition as a parameter.
waitUntilIsLoaded() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.ui.MyAboutMePage
waitUntilIsLoaded() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.ui.SearchResultsPage
waitUntilIsLoaded() - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.BaseWebPage
Dumb wait until the HTML body element is visible.
WebDriverFactory - Interface in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui
A factory of WebDriver's.
WebDriverFactoryDecorator - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui
WebDriverFactoryDecorator(WebDriverFactory) - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.WebDriverFactoryDecorator
WebDriverFactoryDecoratorHandleCertErrOnIE - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui
Decorate a WebDriver so that it can handle the certificate error page that IE displays when navigating to a website with https, but with an invalid certificate (e.g.
WebDriverFactoryDecoratorHandleCertErrOnIE(WebDriverFactory) - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.WebDriverFactoryDecoratorHandleCertErrOnIE
WebDriverFactoryDecoratorImplicitWait - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui
Decorate the instantiated WebDriver with an implicit wait of the given number of seconds.
WebDriverFactoryDecoratorImplicitWait(long, WebDriverFactory) - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.WebDriverFactoryDecoratorImplicitWait
WebDriverFactoryException - Exception in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui
WebDriverFactoryException() - Constructor for exception me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.WebDriverFactoryException
WebDriverFactoryException(String) - Constructor for exception me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.WebDriverFactoryException
WebDriverFactoryException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.WebDriverFactoryException
WebDriverFactoryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.WebDriverFactoryException
WebDriverFactoryLocal - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui
Factory that creates WebDrivers which drive browsers on the local machine.
WebDriverFactoryLocal() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.WebDriverFactoryLocal
WebDriverFactoryProvider - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui
A singleton provider of WebDriverFactory.
WebDriverFactoryProvider() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.WebDriverFactoryProvider
WebDriverFactoryRemote - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui
Create instances of WebDriver (specifically, RemoteWebDriver) which can drive a browser on a remote machine, part of a Selenium Grid.
WebDriverFactoryRemote(URL, DesiredCapabilities) - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.WebDriverFactoryRemote
A factory creating WebDrivers matching the given set of extra, desired capabilities (see also RemoteWebDriver.RemoteWebDriver(URL, Capabilities, Capabilities)).
WebDriverFactoryRemote(URL) - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui.WebDriverFactoryRemote
A factory creating WebDrivers against the given hub.
WebPage - Interface in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.ui
Interface representing a generic page.
WebTask - Interface in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks
A WebTask is supposed to simulate a user interaction with the SUT.
WebTasks - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks
Static class providing factory methods for creating instances of common WebTask's.
WebTasks() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.WebTasks
WebTest - Interface in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tests
All a WebTest needs to know is: who: which WebUser is about to use the SUT what: what WebTask the user needs to perform in order to test the SUT
WebUser<T extends WebUser<?>> - Class in me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain
WebUser encapsulates Browser, and has two main behaviors: WebUser.openBrowser(): creates an instance of WebDriver, thus opening a real browser WebUser.doTask(WebTask): performs the given actions against the SUT
WebUser() - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.WebUser
Create a WebUser with a closed Browser, and no initial page.
WebUser(Browser) - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.WebUser
Create a WebUser with the given Browser (which may be open or closed) and no initial page.
WebUser(Browser, WebPage) - Constructor for class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.WebUser
Create a WebUser with the given Browser (which may be open or closed) and the given initial page.
when(WebTask...) - Static method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.WebTasks
A BDD When step.
with(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.sample.tasks.CanCompliment
withBrowserType(SupportedBrowser) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.WebUser
withPassword(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.WebUser
withRestorer(WebTask) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.tasks.OrWebTask
withUsername(String) - Method in class me.alb_i986.selenium.tinafw.domain.WebUser
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